people of all degrees of wealth 意味

  • 金持ちも貧しい人も全部


        people with degrees in:    ~の学位{がくい}を持っている人
        all orders and degrees of men:    あらゆる階級{かいきゅう}の人々{ひとびと}
        all the trappings of wealth:    富に伴うすべての虚飾{きょしょく} He started with nothing, but now he has all the trappings of wealth, including a vacation house in Hawaii, a private yacht, and a personal plane.
        for all one's wealth:    金がありながら
        wealth levels of people in different countries:    さまざまな[いろいろな]国に住む人々{ひとびと}の裕福度{ゆうふく ど}[富裕度{ふゆう ど}]
        all people:    all people 万民 ばんみん 万人 ばんじん ばんにん まんにん 方々 方方 かたがた ほうぼう
        all the people:    all the people 兆民 ちょうみん
        of all people:    ほかの誰よりも、誰にもまして、人もあろうに Of all people, you are the last one I would have thought would steal from me. あなたはほかの誰よりも、私から何か盗むとは夢にも思わなかった人です。
        by degrees:    by degrees 一歩一歩 いっぽいっぽ 段々 段段 だんだん
        all classes of people:    社会{しゃかい}の各方面{かく ほうめん}の人々{ひとびと}
        all kinds of people:    いろいろな種類の人々◆【同】different kinds of people
        all sorts of people:    あらゆる種類の人、さまざまな人
        all the distinguished people present:    居並ぶ名士{いならぶ めいし}たち
        all the people involved:    関係者全員{かんけいしゃ ぜんいん}
        as if all young people are bad:    まるですべての若者{わかもの}が悪いと言わんばかりに


  1. "people of affected speech" 意味
  2. "people of all ages" 意味
  3. "people of all caste" 意味
  4. "people of all classes" 意味
  5. "people of all colors and creeds" 意味
  6. "people of all generations" 意味
  7. "people of all grades" 意味
  8. "people of all nationalities" 意味
  9. "people of all persuasions" 意味
  10. "people of all classes" 意味
  11. "people of all colors and creeds" 意味
  12. "people of all generations" 意味
  13. "people of all grades" 意味

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